Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Biggest Little City Hosting the Littlest Big Businesses

The Institute of Management Consultants (IMC) plays host once per year to a conference that mirrors the slogan of the "FUBU" Clothing brand… To paraphrase, CONFAB 2010 is For Consultants, By Consultants. For more information on the conference you can go to or

Every October this gathering of some of the best and brightest business consultants descends upon Reno, Nevada. The conference is equal parts recruiting push, educational seminars, and just a good reason for old friends to get together. Truth be told, most of these consultants have been around the block so many times that it's hard to fathom that they need any "education" on consulting practices, other than perhaps to figure out how to make Twitter a vital part of a 40 year old Process Engineering Consultancy.

For the past 4 years I've attended the conference as an exhibitor, showcasing the consulting tools that HRD Press carries and hoping that a few may see some promise in these tools for their own businesses. However although the conference was successful for us, I also found myself increasingly drawn to the sessions themselves. As a consultant here in Massachusetts (actually, the only IMC Member in the western part of the state) there were always wrinkles I found myself wanting to add. Sometimes through sessions, but also quite often simply through conversations with other members and attendees.

I hope to see some of you out there. This conference is perfect for a consultant looking to get started, or just looking to share some ideas for the emerging new-world marketplace in 2010 and beyond.

Best Wishes,
Mark Snow

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